Thursday, December 1, 2011



Insults. Ridicule. Derision. Gross exaggerations. Character assassination. Distortions. Bald-faced lies. Egomania. Hawkers of Gold and self-promoting paraphernalia. How close are we coming here to WWJD descriptions?  Not close? 

Is it any closer to your description of a journalist? Of a news broadcaster?

What would you say if we told you this is the daily fodder of Fox News outlets?  Impossible, you say. Outrageous!  We say . . . yes, it is outrageous. But it is true. Hundreds of times EVERY DAY !

We say LISTEN. Open the ears. Use the Fox News Tracking Sheet posted on this blog below. See for yourself. See if any other media outlet comes anywhere close.

You know, many of the “hosts” of Fox News shows, especially those on the radio, spend most of their air time poisoning the airwaves with this. Listen to Rush Limbaugh (El Rushmo as he hails himself, critic of feminazis), Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly (pinheads), Glenn Beck, Michael Savage (liberalism is a mental disorder), Mark Levin (critic of the New York Slimes) , Neil Boortz (we have an ignoramus Marxist in the White House), Laura Ingraham, and many more. Several of them tried those first paragraph practices on TV and were both disgraced and lost ratings, so they were relegated to radio-only duty.  Think of journalists who came even close to broadcasting with any of the above characteristics, and who lost their jobs. A recent example is CNN’s Rick Sanchez and Juan Williams, who also worked at NPR.  These folks had only a debatable hint of one transgression and were fired. Juan, as you may know, was still greeted with open arms at Fox News. He was an occasional “balancing side” panelist on Fox News before, but they doubled his contract once he was fired from his NPR contract.  Glenn Beck, who spews this minute after minute, however, was disgraced off CNN and went exclusively to Fox News,. He was so offensive on the Fox News TV show that he lost over 300 sponsors and eventually lost his TV slot just this year. He still has even worse content on his Fox News radio show and still broadcasts from it.

So where does this leave anyone concerned with WWJD? Do people think there is nothing contradictory about expecting to fill their news bucket with “Fair and Balanced” news of the day?

. . . . or is it much more likely that we would find Jesus in one of the tents on Occupy Wall Street?

Bill O-Reilly says now that the Occupy movement is over. It is dead. He of course is the global “news source” on this. He still also regularly flaunts that he is a Catholic on his broadcasts.

I profess to being a Catholic. I am also horribly embarrassed and insulted every day that Bill O’Reilly is on the air with his style and content.  It seems more likely that the WWJD Jesus is dead in him right now.

We look with hopeful interest at what becomes of the “movement”.

What Would Jesus Do ?