Sunday, November 6, 2011

Fox News and CNN are not Comparable

            (this was a letter to the editor in 2010)
It has been distressing to hear frequently commentators in many circles making a soft-spoken comparison of Fox News and CNN or MSNBC.  Often the comment made in the comparisons is that each channel has its own political viewpoint . . . as if each one is as legitimate as the other. Problem is . . . they are not.

Fox News is simply trashy and harmful to society. Why so??   First, let’s be honest about the comparison. The style and basis for CNN content is globally respected and award-winning. Their professionals may be of many political persuasions, but they go to great lengths to be news-worthy and not interject opinions or political inclinations in their NEWS. Fox News is almost totally the opposite. They have primarily a political agenda and not a news agenda. They intentionally slant and distort whatever news or content to help persuade its audience to favor conservatives or Republicans and disparage liberals and Democrats. I repeat, they intentionally slant all their content as far as possible to sway public perceptions toward one political viewpoint.

This conduct by Fox News is more trashy and harmful to society than the tabloids. Why? Well, everyone knows that tabloids are sleazy and likely not true, or at least distorted. Fox News however has insulting and obviously incorrect rejoinders in most of their advertisements that they are “fair and balanced.” Even though any reasonable listener would see the disrespect, insults, ridicule, exaggerations and distortions of news and of liberals on Fox News, they subliminally assume that since Fox keeps saying so, that maybe there is news-worthiness in their programming. Maybe since they have such a large audience they must be giving reasonable content to their listeners. Tragically, they are not!! Why they and their sponsors are not railroaded off the airwaves is more and more astounding to me. It is an incrimination of civic groups and religious groups around the country. I am convinced there should be more energy and protests and demonstrations around the country to get Fox News off the air than that expended for the anti-abortion movement and stem cells.

Use the recent example of Bill O’Reilly and his “Pinheads and Patriots” segment. Who was the “pinhead”? Anthony Weiner, Democratic rep from NY. Why a pinhead? Bill O’Reilly showed a hidden camera at one of Weiner’s recent speeches where a supporter of his mentioned his worry about O’Reilly’s distortions on his show. Weiner encouraged his supporter to keep up his concerns and keep being diligent and careful about the truth about issues. Who was the “patriot”? Lou Dobbs, the disgraced CNN anchor, now off the air entirely but thinking about running for president. Why a patriot? Well, because Bill O’Reilly thought of a witty campaign slogan for him to boast “more jobs with Dobbs”. That is all! Dobbs is a patriot because O’Reilly thought of a witty theoretical campaign slogan. This is news??  This is fair? This is balanced?  . . . or is it UN-balanced??  Weiner is a pinhead because he encourages his constituents to be diligent. Dobbs is a patriot because O’Reilly thought up a campaign slogan for him, despite his being a disgraced media person. Gimme a break !!!

But O’Reilly is the most watched show on cable network news. That is our measure of success. If we can dupe enough people to watch a show with catchy conversations, even though it may be disrespectful, inaccurate, distorted, polarizing and un-fair, but it draws an audience, we don’t complain or seek to change it. What about the Fox shows where they will not even use the word “president” for Mr. Obama. He is called “imposter Obama” throughout the whole show (Michael Savage). What about the show that never uses the term New York Times or Washington Post throughout the show, instead using consistently the “New York Slimes” and the “Washington Compost” (Mark Levin). . . or the show that day after day calls everyone who cares about womens issues “feminazis” and those concerned about the environment “wackos” (Rush Limbaugh). Where is “News” or “fair” or “Balanced”?? Not in this universe !! Fox News is not trying to do anything but the opposite. CNN however is.

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