We should be honest and admit than none of us is perfect. No political party is perfect. No media outlet is perfect. This blog is not being posted in order to promote any entity or any political party over another.
We should also be honest and admit that this blog is directed at Fox News uniquely . . . and Fox News for its entire existence has unfairly, dishonestly, and perversely promoted the Republican Party and conservative causes, including Tea Party candidates. Fox has provided an uncritical platform for only conservative ideas and candidates. On the other hand, they have provided a highly distorted, disrespectful, anti-Christian and anti-democratic criticism of nearly all progressive, Democratic ideas and candidates.
The fact that this blog is critical of Fox News influences and content, as we encourage all readers of this blog to be as well, does not mean any endorsement of the opposite political persuasion. There are very disturbing and anti-democratic militaristic and economic (Wall Street) influences on both political parties. We encourage all citizens to reject all of this at every turn.
We also however call for an honest debate about policy alternatives. This debate is what makes the USA, in one of its final surviving elements of greatness, the best country on earth. It is when this debate and struggle and compromise and renewal takes place that we are great. When the most listened to cable media outlet, Fox News, has a consistent and pervasive pattern of distorting a high percentage of all its content, we have corruption and deterioration and sinfulness, not greatness. How the Fox News hosts can continue to issue books and media messages containing this trashy content, and have US citizens buy it in both senses of the word, is grossly incriminating to our situation as a country. Citizens around the world, who are demonstrably more educated and involved in global issues than more and more of our citizens can see and read about this anti-democratic and anti-Christian behavior on the news and in our media outlets. It embarrasses us on the world stage more severely with each passing month.
We think we should take that world stage back! Let’s have honest debate about issues. Let’s have leaders who profess virtues and core values and work respectfully and diligently to have healthy, involved but critical citizenry, not trying to influence others from the perspective of power, influence or money. Let’s build our future and influence the global future with democratic values and virtues . . . with honesty and integrity.
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